Shaniko is a self described "Ghost Town". With a current population of under 20 it lives off Tourism and the guests at the Hotel. Once the wool capital of the whole USA, the rerouting of the railroad, the dust bowl and a major fire in the town had a devastating effect on the prosperity of the town.

Shaniko, Oregon: The town sign next to the main highway.

Shaniko, Oregon: An old truck in the centre of town.

Shaniko, Oregon: The hotel and cafe are the main businesses within town, bringing in a lot of custom and visitors to the town.

Shaniko, Oregon: The hotel foyer.

Shaniko, Oregon: Abandoned and derelict vehicles are very common on Shaniko.

Shaniko, Oregon: Abandoned and derelict vehicles are very common on Shaniko.

Shaniko, Oregon: Old Railway sleepers next to the wool barn, once the towns major asset.
Shaniko, Oregon: the single roomed "city hall" shows signs of life carrying on.

Shaniko, Oregon: Morning coffee is served through a hand built and equipped espresso trailer.

Shaniko, Oregon: "The Ghostly Brew's" decorations.

Shaniko, Oregon: "The Ghostly Brew's" owner.

Shaniko, Oregon: Jill's wool shop and mini museum, giving an insight into the towns heyday.

Shaniko, Oregon: Abandoned at dusk, a childs bike in Shaniko.

Shaniko, Oregon: The remains of a Piano in the town.

Shaniko, Oregon: An old fire truck